Published inTDS ArchiveWhat do UK employers want from a data scientist?Analysing job post data from Indeed, can we make more evidence-informed career decisions?Dec 9, 20203Dec 9, 20203
Published inTDS ArchiveLatent Dirichlet Allocation: Intuition, math, implementation and visualisationA tour of one of the most popular topic modelling techniques and a guide to implementing and visualising it using pyLDAvisSep 26, 20201Sep 26, 20201
Published inTDS ArchiveSelf-AttentionWhat are the very basic mathematics behind self-attention, the first layer in a transformer model?Jul 1, 20204Jul 1, 20204
Published inTDS ArchiveLatent Semantic Analysis: intuition, math, implementationTL;DR — Text data suffers heavily from high-dimensionality. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is a popular, dimensionality-reduction…May 10, 20207May 10, 20207
Published inAnalytics VidhyaGently guiding the (machine) learnerTL;DR: supervised machine learning techniques are constrained by a lack of data and labelling new data is expensive. This blog post…Jan 2, 2020Jan 2, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaIdeas for using word2vec in (human) learning tasksAs an educator I dreamt of a day when a software system could generate increasingly complex questions about the taught content for my…Dec 6, 2019Dec 6, 2019
Data says hello to worldTL;DR: any data that is not of immediately countable/quantifiable should be taken with a pinch of salt because it is affected by human…Nov 6, 2019Nov 6, 2019
From teaching kids to teaching machinesWhy I decided to attend a Data Science bootcamp …Oct 18, 2019Oct 18, 2019